Posts with the tag “compassion”
Saturday March 26
by Paul Lang on March 26th, 2022
My favorite singer-songwriter, David Wilcox, has a song which begins, “I know that compassion is all out of fashion and anger is all the rage. . .” It is sadly true that anger and rage keeps many of us separated from one another into ideological camps of partisanship on both the left and the right. Compassion is a virtue that is in short supply. It is even sadder to realize that the refusal to... Read More
Friday March 25
by Paul Lang on March 25th, 2022
At First Presbyterian Church in Fargo we are entering into a two year focus on generosity. That focus will connect to our generosity in offering our gifts back to God: financially, our time, and our talents too. We want to learn to be more generous because it is easy to see how generous God is. Beyond time, talent, and money, there is another aspect of generosity which is essential to faithful ... Read More
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