A Pilgrim Prayer

The Lord be with you.

And also with you.

Lead us, Lord,
gently, pervasively, irresistibly,
increasingly, so that we walk our
pilgrim way steadily, and find the place
of our resurrection.

Lord, hear our prayer.

Lead us, Lord,
so that we neither dally nor disobey,
nor turn aside, nor stand still, nor
stumble, nor turn back in loyalty to old
gods who will not bless us.

Lord, hear our prayer.

Lead us, Lord,
as a felt Presence,
as a constant companion,
as a counselor in perplexity,
as our first, fast, last friend.

Lord, hear our prayer.

Lead us, Lord,
by the restlessness of spiritual longing
by the hope of finding our true home,
by the yearning of a hungry heart.

Lord, hear our prayer.

Lead us, Lord,
by grace to gratitude,
by gratitude to generosity of spirit,
by generosity to mercy,
that we may cultivate a compassionate

Lord, hear our prayer.

Lead us, Lord,
through your loving embrace,
so that we do not forget or fall away,
but remain steadfast and loyal,
joyful and true on our journey with you.

Lord, hear our prayer. Amen