Daily Disciplines


As the sun illuminates not only heaven and the whole world, shining on both land and see, but also sends rays through windows and small chinks into the further recesses
of a house, so the Word, poured out everywhere, beholds the smallest actions of our lives.
                                                                                                --Clement of Alexandria, second century

Discipline Options

Journal Prompt

The glory of God is a living person and the life of each living person is the vision of God.
--Irenaeus of Lyons, Second century

What does it mean to you to be the “vision of God”?

Prayer Prompt

The Word of God was made human in order that we might be made divine.  The Word displayed itself through a body, that we might receive knowledge of the invisible Father.
--Athanasius, Fourth century

Lectio Divina Prompt

Practice lectio divina using:
Since Adam, being free to choose,
Chose to imagine he was free
To choose his own necessity,
Lost in his freedom, Man pursues
The shadow of his images;
Today the Unknown seeks the known;
What I am willed to ask, your own
Will has to answer; child, it lies
Within your power of choosing to
Conceive the Child who chooses you.
--W.H. Auden