Daily Disciplines


Our time is a time of waiting; waiting is a special destiny. And every time is a time of waiting,
waiting for the breaking in of eternity. All time runs forward. All time, both history and in
personal life, is expectation. Time itself is waiting, waiting not for another time,
but for that which is eternal.
--Paul Tillich

Discipline Options

Journal Prompt

Where do you find it easy to wait?
When is it hard?
What can waiting teach us?   

Prayer Prompt

As you prepare for prayer, read this: At the coming of the Most High, our hearts shall be made clean, and we shall walk worthily in the way of the Lord. The Lord is coming and will not delay. Do a prayer walk. As you walk, empty your mind of all thought. Be silent. Listen for your response to the prompt.

Lectio Divina Prompt

Practice lectio divina using:
Ask not, doubt not. You have my heart, already chosen the joy of Advent. As a force against your own uncertainty, bravely tell yourself, “It is the Advent of the great God.” Say this with faith and love, and then both the past of your life, which has become holy, and your life’s eternal, boundless future will draw together in the now of this world. For then into the heart comes the one who is Advent, the boundless future who is already in the process of coming, the Lord, who has already come into the time of the flesh to redeem it.
--Karl Rahner