Daily Disciplines


What keeps you from giving now?  Isn’t the poor person there?  Aren’t your own warehouses full?  
Isn’t the reward promised?  The command is clear:  the hungry person is dying now, the naked person
is freezing now, the person in debt is beaten now- and you want to wait until tomorrow?  
“I’m not doing any harm,” you say. “I just want to keep what I own, that’s all.”  You own!  
You are like someone who sits down in a theater and keeps everyone else away, saying that
what is for everyone’s use is your own…If everyone took only what they needed and gave the rest away
to those in need, there would be no such thing as rich and poor.  After all, didn’t you come into life naked,
and won’t you return naked to the earth?
The bread in your cupboard belongs to the hungry person; the coat hanging unused in your closet
belongs to the person who needs it; the shoes rotting in your closet belong to the person with no shoes;
the money which you put in the bank belongs to the poor.  You do wrong to everyone you could help, but fail.
                                                                                                                                                --Basil, 4th Century

Discipline Options

Journal Prompt

During this season of giving, when we give freely, consider what keeps you from giving
in the “now” of other times?  

Prayer Prompt

Rise up, Lord, in defense of your people,
Do not hide your face from our troubles.
Father of orphans,
Wealth of the poor
We rejoice in making you known;
May we find comfort and security
In times of pain and anxiety.
--Liturgy of the Hours

Lectio Divina Prompt

Practice lectio divina using:
Hope is the presentiment that the imagination is more real, and reality is less real, than we had thought.  
It is the sensation that the last word does not belong to the brutality of facts with their oppression and repression.  
It is the suspicion that reality is far more complex than realism would have us believe, that the frontiers of the possible
are not determined by the limits of the present, and miraculously and surprisingly, life is readying the creative event
that will open the way to freedom and resurrection.
--Rubem Alves