Daily Disciplines


The Word of God was made human in order that we might be made divine.  The Word displayed itself through a body, that we might receive knowledge of the invisible Father.
                                                                                                --Athannasius, Fourth Century

Discipline Options

Journal Prompt

Read and meditate on the following passage.  Then journal what stirs within you as you sit in silent reflection.
 Good news; but if you ask me what it is, I know not;
It is a track of feet in the snow,
It is a lantern showing a path,
It is a door set open.
--G.K. Chesterton

Prayer Prompt

Pray using this Advent hymn text to guide you.
While We are Waiting, Come
While we are waiting, come;
While we are waiting, come.
Jesus our Lord, Emmanuel,
While we are waiting, come.
With power and glory, come;
With power and glory, come.
Jesus our Lord, Emmanuel,
While we are waiting, come.
Come, Savior, quickly come
Come, Savior, quickly come.
Jesus our Lord, Emmanuel,
While we are waiting, come.
--Claire Coninger (Glory to God, Presbyterian Hymnal)

Lectio Divina Prompt

Practice lectio divina using:
We do not pray that your birth according to the flesh shall be renewed as it once occurred upon this day.  Rather do we pray that your invisible Godhead may be grafted unto us.  May that which was then accorded after the flesh to Mary alone now be granted in the spirit to the church:  that faith unquestioning may conceive you, the spirit free of all corruption may bear you, the soul overshadowed by the power of the Most High may quicken with you evermore.  Go not forth from us; spring forth rather from within us.
                                                                                                                          --Mozarabic rite