Daily Disciplines


Expectation- anxious, collective and operative expectation of an end of the world, that is to say, of an issue for the world – that is perhaps the supreme Christian function and the most distinctive characteristic of our religion.
Historically speaking, that expectation has never ceased to guide the progress of our faith like a torch…We persist in saying we keep vigil in expectation of the Master.  But in reality, we should have to admit, if we were sincere, that we no longer expect anything.  The flame must be revived at all costs.  At all costs we must renew in ourselves the desire and hope for the great coming.  But where are we to look for the source of this rejuvenation?  From the perception of a more intimate connection between the victory of Christ and the outcome of the work which our human effort here below is seeking to construct.
                                                                                                --Pierre Teilhard de Chardin

Discipline Options

Journal Prompt

To cleave to God hidden beneath the inward and outward forces which animate our being and sustain it in its development is ultimately to open ourselves to, and put trust in, all the breaths of life.
--Pierre Teilhard de Chardin

Spend some time silently reflecting on the phrase “animate our being” in the above text.  What speaks to you?

Prayer Prompt

As you prepare for prayer, consider the longing that is deepest within you, spend a few minutes in silence, and center yourself in Advent expectation.

Lectio Divina Prompt

Practice lectio divina using:
Romans 13: 11-12 You know the time; it is the hour now for you to awake from sleep.  
For salvation is nearer now than when we first believed; the night is advanced; the day is at hand