Entrance of the Light

Hymn of Light

Evening Psalm

Psalm 141  An evening prayer for protection  (Cantor sings the verses - all sing the refrains)

1 I have called to you, LORD; hasten help me!
Hear my voice when I cry you.
2 Let my prayer arise before you líke incense,
the raising of my hands like an evening óblation.

3 Set, O LORD, a guard over my´ mouth;
keep watch, O LORD, at the door of my´ lips!
4 Do not turn my heart to things that áre wrong,
to evil deeds with those who áre sinners.
Never allow me to share in theír feasting.
5 If the upright strike or reprove me it ís kindness;
but let the oil of the wicked not anoint my´ head.
Let my prayer be ever against theír malice.

6 Their leaders were thrown down by the side of thé rock;
then they understood that my words wére kind.
7 As a millstone is shattered to pieces on thé ground,
so their bones were strewn at the mouth of thé grave.
8 To you, LORD God, my eyes áre turned;
in you I take refuge; spare my´ soul!
9 From the trap they have laid for me keep safe,
keep me from the snares of those who evil.
10 Let the wicked fall into the traps they háve set
whilst I pursue my way únharmed.  


145 Praise of God’s glory

1 I will give you glory, O God my´ king,
I will bless your name fórever.

2 I will bless you day after day*
and praise your name fórever.
3 You are great, LORD, highly to be praised,*
your greatness cannot measured.

4 Age to age shall proclaim your works,*
shall declare your mighty´ deeds,
5 shall speak of your splendor and glory,*
tell the tale of your wonderfúl works.

6 They will speak of your terrible deeds,*
recount your greatness ánd might.
7 They will recall your abundant goodness;*
age to age shall ring out yóur justice.

8 You are king and full of compassion,*
slow to anger, abounding ín love.
9 How good you are, LORD, to all,*
compassionate to all yóur creatures.

10 All your creatures shall thank you, O LORD,*
and your friends shall repeat théir blessing.
11 They shall speak of the glory of your reign*
and declare your might, Ó God,

12 to make known to all your mighty deeds*
and the glorious splendor of yóur reign.
13 Yours is an everlasting kingdom;*
your rule lasts from age  age.

You are faithful in all your words*
and loving in all yóur deeds.
14 You support all those who are falling*
and raise up all those who are bówed down.

15 The eyes of all creatures look to you*
and you give them their food in dúe season.
16 You open wide your hand,*
grant the desires of all whó live.

17 You are just in all your ways*
and loving in all yóur deeds.
18 You are close to all who call you,*
who call on you from théir hearts.

19 You grant the desires of those who fear you,*
you hear their cry and you sáve them.
20 LORD, you protect all who love you;*
but the wicked you will utterly stroy.

21 Let me speak your praise, O LORD,*
let all peoples bless your holy´ name
forever, for ages únending.

Praise the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit*
both now and fórever.
The God who is, who was, and is to come*
at the end of thé ages.

Silent Reflection

127 Praise of God’s goodness; a pilgrimage song

1 If the LORD does not build the house,*
in vain do its buildérs labor;
if the LORD does not watch over the city,*
in vain do the watchers kéep vigil.

2 In vain is your earlier rising,*
your going later rest,
you who toil for the bread you eat,*
when God pours gifts on the beloved while théy slumber.

3 Yes, children are a gift from the LORD,*
a blessing, the fruit of thé womb.
4 The sons and daughters of youth*
are like arrows in the hand of á warrior.

5 O the happiness of those*
who have filled their quiver with thése arrows!
They will have no cause for shame*
when they dispute their foes in thé gateways.

Praise the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit*
both now and fórever.
The God who is, who was, and is to come*
at the end of thé ages.

Silent Reflection

Canticle of Mary - Magnificat

Tuesday Evening Collect

You are the bread of heaven, the staff of life.  In you there is manna which satisfies the hungry heart.  For everything which has nourished us today and which has revitalized your life within us we give thanks.  Throughout the day you have remained with us — for where could we go where your light did not reach us?  Even if we were to say, “ ‘Let the darkness cover me, and the light around me be night,’ even darkness is not dark to you and night is as clear as the day.”  We give all praise to you who are sovereign over both the day and the night.
Especially we praise you:
†. for the sparkle of sunlight on water.
†. for candle glow and fireplace flickering.
†. for the radiance of an inner light we see in the saints we meet.
†for the lamp of your Word illuminating the path for our feet.
†. For these and many other blessings of the light we offer praise and thanksgiving.
We know of your word, spoken through the prophet, that we “Stand at the crossroads, and look, and ask for the ancient paths, where the good way lies; and walk in it, and find rest for your souls.”  We also know that sometimes we respond as did our ancestors saying, “We will not walk in it.”  So we pause at this hour to reflect on our day in examination of conscience - expecting to find you in both our successes and failures as disciples.  Help us, Lord, to practice  self-examination with clarity, honesty, and trust.

— two minutes of silence are observed for the practice of the examen —

You have offered us the bread of life — we see that sometimes we have preferred junk-food.  Forgive us Lord, as we forgive those who are indebted to us.  Save us from the time of trial and deliver us from evil.  Instruct us in both consolation and desolation about where the good way lies, and help us to more faithfully walk in it.
We thank you, Lord, for traveling mercies this day and for the community newly forming between us this night.  May our friendships, both old and new, be a foretaste of the eternal communion we will enjoy with all the saints in the light when we stand before your throne.
As the shadows lengthen and the daylight fades, we seek your mercy in helping us to cast off the sin which clings to us that we might put on the wardrobe of your love and light.  Clothe us in your compassion and keep us from all harm, in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit.  Amen.

Hymn - More Like You


        Leader:  May the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, guard our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus, that we may be found blameless at the coming of the Lord.
People:  Amen.

Leader:  Bless the Lord.
People:  The Lord’s name be praised.

A sign of peace is exchanged as we depart.