Opening Sentences

Hymn - Our Day Complete


Psalm 4 Night prayer

2 When I call, answer me, O God óf justice;
from anguish you released me, have mercy ánd hear me!

3 You rebels, how long will your hearts closed;
will you love what is futile and seek whát is false?

4 It is the LORD who grants favors to those who áre merciful;
the LORD who hears me whenevér I call.

5 Tremble; do not sin: ponder on your bed and still.
6 Make justice your sacrifice and trust ín the LORD.

7 “What can bring us happiness?” many´ say.
Lift up the light of your face on ús, O LORD.

8 You have put into my heart a greatér joy
than they have from abundance of corn ánd new wine.

9 I will lie down in peace and sleep comes át once
for you alone, LORD, make me dwéll in safety.

Praise the Father, the Son, and the Holy´ Spirit
both now ánd forever.

The God who is, who was, and is come
at the end óf the ages.

Silent Reflection

Psalm 91 Under the wing of God’s protection

1 Those who dwell in the shelter of the Móst High
and abide in the shade of thé Almighty

2 say to the LORD: “M refuge,
my stronghold, my God in whóm I trust!”

3 It is God who will free you from thé snare
of the fowler who seeks destroy you;

4 God will conceal you with hís pinions,
and under his wings you wíll find refuge.

5 You will not fear the terror of thé night
nor the arrow that fliés by day,

6 nor the plague that prowls in thé darkness
nor the scourge that lays wáste at noon.

7 A thousand may fall at yóur side,
ten thousand fall át your right,

you, it will never ápproach;
God’s faithfulness is bucklér and shield.

8 Your eyes have only look
to see how the wicked áre repaid,

9 you who have said: “LORD, my´ refuge!”
and have made the Most Hígh your dwelling.

10 Upon you no evil sháll fall,
no plague approach whére you dwell.

11 For you God has commanded thé angels,
to keep you in áll your ways.

12 They shall bear you upon théir hands
lest you strike your foot agaínst a stone.

13 On the lion and the viper you wíll tread
and trample the young lion ánd the dragon.

14 You set your love on me so I wíll save you,
protect you for you knów my name.

15 When you call I shall answer: “I ám with you,”
I will save you in distress and gíve you glory.

16 With length of days I will cóntent you;
I shall let you see my sáving power.

Praise the Father, the Son, and the Holy´ Spirit
both now ánd forever.

The God who is, who was, and is come
at the end óf the ages.

Silent Reflection

Versicle & Response

Canticle of Simeon - Nunc Dimittis



Lord of the elements, we give thanks for the beauty of the earth, for the brilliance of the stars that shine, and for the ways in which the whole cosmos is never static, but is “on the way” in a dance of constant motions and journey.  May we learn from the heavenly orbs to be at peace with our own journeys as we orbit around you.
God of the in-between-times, you seem always to be with your people
in-between the promise and its fulfillment, the vision and its realization. You were with
Abram and Sarai as they awaited the arrival of Isaac. You were with Moses and the people between the brickyards of Egypt and the land flowing with milk and honey. You were with the disciples between the horrors of Good Friday and the miracles of Easter day. You are with us, too, in all of our in-between-times. Help us, who know that you stay with us when all of our dreams are not yet realized, to give our dreams and our loved-ones into your faithful care — trusting that you will watch over them while we sleep. Grant us a restful sleep and peace at the last. In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.

Hymn - Praising God At Close Of Day

Final Blessing

Lord, save us!  Save us while we are awake.  

Protect us while we are asleep, that we may keep our watch with Christ, and when we sleep, rest in peace.  

May the all-powerful Lord, grant us a restful night and a peaceful death. Amen.